Page 23 - Contrast1958Winterv3n1
P. 23

~oIlowing different themes, you can have an oriental style; or mak-
mg use of the hanging light bulb, you can have a marvelous pool-hall
effect. In general, the decor of a dormitory room is Ageless Mixture
or Late Hodge-podge. The walls are very handy. With a hammer
and a few dozen nails you can do wonders. A quick survey indicates
these articles most often found on dormitory room walls: pennants;
a ~orsagefrom last year's May Dance; a pirate flag; fish net from Ocean
City; poster advertising a frat party two years ago; corn stalks from
a square dance; cards of all sorts; rat hat; slogans, such as "If at first
you don't succeed, Quit," and of course the ancient "Silence, genius
at work;" newspaper clippings; memo for dentist appointment; hula-
hoop; wall lamps; a one string uke; a tired plant and a small bulletin
board. In the area of wall decoration the iinagination is allowed com-
plete freedom.

      A single room is many rooms in one:
            a kitchen-with a good supply of food, a person can manage
               to survive without once going to a Sunday dinner.
            a bed room-has beds.

          a music room-with a radio and a record player you can

               learn to appreciate good music; and if the room is ar-
               ranged right, you can even jitterbug to it.
            a living room-we try.
            a club room-general meeting and gathering place for gab
               and games, (cards, cards, cards).
            an observatory=from behind curtains it is possible to keep
               up to date on who is going with whom, etc.
            and occasionally the room is used as a study room.
      Yes, the single room is many rooms in one, with all their advan-
tages. All, that is, but one. I'm sure we aren't so modernized that we
~an't recall the days of the long trek to the back yard. Now, indoors,
It's sti.ll a long trek to the end of the hall.
     ~ know the advantages of a single room, and will always take one
anytnne-anytime there's nothing else available.

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