Page 12 - YB1997
P. 12
SUMMERTIME During the students to relax and internships. Whatever being away from they were all ready to three and a half months earn the much needed the students did they friends. Frequent come back in August. between the spring and money for next year at had three months visits were made to see Everyone was well fall semesters, WMC school. Some students away from school to them and rested, relaxed, and students went home to took extensive recover from exams correspondences were anxious for the fall work, went on vacations overseas and homework. They kept. semester to begin. vacation, and visited and some just went a had time to relax in However or Summer vacation was friends that do not live few states away. the sun. Moststudents wherever Western alot of fun, but they in their home towns. Others stayed at home enjoyed the time away Maryland students were ready to be back Thisisatimeformany and worked or had from WMC, but not spent their summer, at school. SophomoreJoyFourhmanpo.~es neXl 10 a sign in the Amish countryside. She went 10visit a friend who resides in Pennsylvania. SophomoreCourtneyRosenthal vacations Wilh family in Califomia.Shestoodinfronlof a giantredwoodtree Senior Chuck Pfaylor catches a waveintheouterbanksofNonh Carolina. He enjoyed his lime away from school
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