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Looking good and genlng ready to go out are Jennifer. Amy. and Jennifer. They danced the night away at the Frosty Forrnal "I'm bored." "There's nothing to do." "I might as well go to sleep." Unlike at some colleges, these complaints are rarely heard at Western MarylandColiege. Despite the Iocation ofwlvlr" in a rural town, campus life is generally very active. Different organizations continually sponsor social activities throughout the year which attract the interests of all students. The various sororities and fraternities plan intellectual as well as more recreational activities. For example, in March, the Phi Delta Theta organization sponsored an educational and informative alcohol awareness lecture in celebration of Cinqo de Marzo. Earlier in the year, the Phi Mu sorority hosted a Mr. WMC contest simply for the enjoyment of WMC students. CAPBoard, Residence Life, and SGA continually organized events to entertain the students. During the month of February, a Data Match took place in which students could fill out a survey and then obtain a list of other WMC students who had similar interests and desires. Throughout the year, these campus organizations brought hypnotists and comedians to WMC. They hosted formals and other dances so students could relax among friends for an evening. In every season, WMC students will be found around campus. In the spring and fall, students are commonly engaged in a game offrisbee or an intellectual conversation in the quad. In the winter months, snowball fights and sledding are among the favorite activities. At WMC, students are very active and lifeon campus never consists of adult moment
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