Page 15 - YB1997
P. 15
crrrre acsrrnri A "V\TellDeserved Vict:ory The frigid The cheers of the retreated from the field D uri n g Rob Newman. The junior weather did not prevent spectators echoed in the as the final score of 21- halftime, the members were Kim anyone from crowding football players ears as 14 was announced. The homecoming court McNally and Will Marshall. around the football field they put all of their effort cheerleaders performed was recognized. The senior king and queen to see the WMC Green intoconcentratingonthe various cheers and The freshmen of the court were and Cindy Terrors defeat game. Throughout the routines during the members were Kris van der Nat and Pete Fuller. Dickinson College for afternoon, the uniforms game. Numerous Rider and Eric Some alumni were also the annual Homecoming became coveredin mud, alumni and families of Winkler. The honored with prestigious Game on October 19. but they still continued the players attended this sophomore awards. The success was Spirits were high among to play their best. event to demonstrate members were celebrated everywhere on the entire student body. Dickinson finally their support. Meghan Joyce and campus later that evening. 11
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