Page 28 - YB1995
P. 28
Lights, Camera, Action! Robin Williams, Jack Nicholson, and many others come to WMC every couple of weeks to showcase their acting talents in Decker Auditorium. Well. .. that isn't exactly true, but many top rated box office hils do come to WMC throughout the year to provide students with some entertainment. In most cases movies screened on campus are the average student's best bet for quality films. CAPBoard sponsors many films for viewing by the entire campus community. And, Jacking the bucks for Cranberry Mall or the video store. the price is always right: usually one to two dollars. These great offerings constitute the best sort of movie watching for the average college student on The Hill. At Right: Robin William Comes 10 campus to showcase be grcat acting talem AlRight: Oneoflhem~nyforeignfilmsshownoncampus thoughout Ihe year 24 Campus Life
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