Page 32 - YB1995
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Students go Global Over Jan term this year, a number-of students yearly trip to England to show students where as well as professors went outside of the United great artists like William Shakespeare wrote States to broaden their knowledge ofthe world. their wonderful works. For those who wanted Such was the case with Dr. Mohammed Esa of a wanner climate to gain credits, Mrs. Sarah the Foreign Language Department. He took Sayre, Dean Sayre's wife, took her group of his students over to Germany, Switzerland, students down to the Bahahmas for a tropical and Austria to sample the different cultures Marine Biology trip. Even for those who were ancltakeinsomeoftheheautifu[sightsaswell. unable to get away, Jan term still offered a Along those same lines and on the same variety of classes and much needed time to ___ ~_ .. _oo_n_tinent, Dr. James Lightner took his bi- unwind. At Right: Sarah Sayre and Nathan Stein get some hands on experience with their studies of plant life. 28 Campus Life
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