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B esides having the be like to live in an atmosphere that is experience of living on campus, many different from life in the students have the op- United States or life on portunity to experience our small campus. life abroad sometime Students also have during their years at the chance to participate Western Maryland. in student exchange Some of the places programs so that they that students have had can see what it is like to the opportunity to visit study in another coun- over the years are Spain, try. By living in a for- England, France, eign land students get a Mexico, and various more in depth look at countries in South life in another culture. America. Being able to If you have n t gone take part in another abroad, next year could culture enables students be your chance to do to learn what it would some traveling. - Melissa Love Over Jan Term Students traveled to France with the Women's Basketball team. Here they are in Nice at The Promenade. 16 Over Seas
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