Page 15 - YB1994
P. 15
he first thing your bed, or throw T students need to away your trash. get used to at Although some college are the dorm people get carried away rooms. with this freedom, most Once you get moved people express them- into your new room, selves through the you can express yourself posters they hang and through the decor any- the mementos they way you like. If you are bring from home. Re- messy, you can be as arranging the furniture messy as you like. You is always a unique way no longer have someone of expression, too. telling you to pick up your clothes, make -Melissa Love Hanging an assort- A couch and frames ment of hats on the with an assortment of wall can add life to a photographs of friends boring dorm room. and family will make any room rather cozy. Dormitory Rooms 11
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