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here comes a being able to contribute T time in the col- to the community lege career of a Western through service projects, Maryland College socializing with other student when he or she fraternities and sorori- must decide whether to ties, and learning about "Go Greek" or stay an being a contributing The Sig Ep's pose for a independent. member of a group. picture at their Fall Formal. This decision in- Deciding to "Go volves many factors like Greek" and pledge a expense, grades, social fraternity or sorority is life, and time. Joining a an exciting and chal- Greek fraternity or lenging time in the life sorority has many of a college student. It is benefits such as becom- an experience that will ing part of the bond that remain a part of you for brotherhood or sister- the rest of your life. hood provides, meeting lots of new people, - Melissa Love Gamma Beta Chi hangs out with its sister sorority Phi AlphaMu. Members of Phi Sigma Sigma participate in the 1993 Homecoming Parade. 12 Going Greek
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