Page 35 - YB1992
P. 35
No Tim€:! To Wast€:! turning 10 recycling and conservation. Western Maryland alizalion thai Americans College, like many other across the country were colleges and universi- wasting many valuable ties, enables its stu- resources without giving dents to participate in it any thought. Landfills the recycling of glass, and junkyards were be- aluminum, paper, and ing filled 10 capacity and plastic. By sending these people were making four products to reey- more trash than ever. cling plants, they can be The realization that used again for a similar this trash was not going purpose. People are fi- to disappear gave way nally realizing thai they to a greater interest in should not throw things the process of recycling. away, when recycling is Now that we have begun possible. a new decade, more people than ever are - Melissa Love
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