Page 31 - YB1992
P. 31
So many detergents, but which one should a perecn choo8e? One of the lirst things their own laundry Many a college student must students go home on learn his or her Ireshman weekends and get year is how to do laun- someone else to do their dry. There are all sorts laundry. Some students of ways to put it off, but are lucky enough to have eventually the laundry a roommate, boyfriend or must be done. girlfriend who doesn't Basically, laundry is mind doing their laundry one big pain. After arriv- for them. ing at college, students College students will are. appalled when they even go to the extreme discover that they must 01 replacing their dirty pay to wash their clothes with new clean clothes. There are much clothes. Students can be better ways to spend seen running out to the money. Most students mall to buy socks, un- hoard their quarters until derwear, etc. II they laundry day to make sure don't have the money lor that they have enough this, then often they will change. It is very difficult borrow clothes from oth- to track down the nec- er students. Some stu- essary amount 01 quar- dents complain that ters because they are a clothes are often stolen highly desired com mod- Irom the laundry room. ity on campus. When it comes to having Many students have clean clothes, students never washed their own become desperate. clothes before. Mom was -Laura Walker always there to do it. Some college students lind ways around doing Cindy Lynch make8 sure her clothe8 are dry. Campus 27
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