Page 39 - YB1992
P. 39
Getting change for the public Mary McGuirk likes spending phone Is no problem for Pete McEvoy, as long as the call is local. Once a person be- much is left over to comes a college stu- spend. Food is probably dent, his or her endless the biggest expense for number of responsibili- most students. Everyone ties begins. The transi- has to eat. A lot of stu- tion from life at home to dents spend their money life on campus can be- at the Pub or on pizza come complicated, if delivery, and there is al- life's responsibilities be- ways Champs. Although come too overwhelming laundry is not terribly ex- One of the many respon- pensive, it still costs sibilities facing college money. When it comes students is budgeting time to do laundry, many their money. will conduct a mad Most college students search to find an ample do not have large in- amount of quarters. It comes because going to was much easier when classes and studying can mom was there to wash be a full time job. For clothes free of charge those students who do Long distance phone manage to work in their bills can also be a killer. spare time still do not However college stu- make enough money to dents spend their mon- spend it frivolously ey, it always is for a After spending money "good cause" on tuition, books, and room and board, not - Melissa Love Campus
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