Page 27 - YB1992
P. 27
Patti Hand finds a quiet spot Tim~ W~II gp~nt? How exactly do Wesl- Hanging Out is the se- ern Maryland College neric term for not really students spend their doinq much of anything. day? Most college stu- The choices of things to dents either study, eat, do are so overwhelming hang out, party, sleep, or that students cannot a combination of all five. make up their minds. This The one that is suo- results in a lot of nothing posed to occupy the rna- or hanging out. jority of a student's time Partying is a senior's is studying. Whether ac- favorite past time. For tually in class, the library students with I,D.s, or just somewhere read- Champs is right down the ing, studying is what is street and Tully's and expected of a college 8J's are only a short student. drive away. Why not Eating also occupies spend the evening hev- time. food is an essenĀ· ing fun with friends? tial part of life. Students Finally, sleeping is must keep up their something students ot- strength! Most students ten ignore. They get too can be found in GLAR if busy and sleep is tor- Karin Wengert and Carla cee- tagna use Ihelrtime to work it's time for breakfast, gotten. Naps before on a project together. lunch, or dinner. class are popular. Hanging out is one of -Laura Walker the most all encompassĀ· ing areas of the day. Photo C'Bdit.: L.u,aWolko, 23
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