Page 20 - YB1992
P. 20
'TIight Owls Night school; what is it? Tracie acaeee expresses hersell at Why does it exist? Who goes a contrast meeting there? These are just some of the common questions sur- cation for the same reasons rounding the numerous lit up that day students are: to ob- rooms in Memorial and Wins- low most weeknights. In most tain better jobs and for per- students' lives, the night is re- sonal enrichment. served for studying, partying Many of WMC's graduate or other extracurricular activ- classes are held at night. Pro- grams ranging from the Mas- ities. At WMC, like most other ter of Liberal Arts to the Mas- schools, the night can be as ters in Education help people busy for other students as the reach their educational goals day is for most of us. Nontrads So the next time you walk by and traditionals alike can fill their days with other activi- Memorial, the rooms with the ties. Typically, evening clas- lights on will hold no more se- ses are reserved for people crets. You will look in the win- who work or raise families dur- dow with more understanding ing the day. These people are of who those people are! usually furthering their edu- - Tony Rosas Academics
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