Page 16 - YB1992
P. 16
G(!tting Orlsnted Orientation is an event Hard Mock Cafe and en- that each of us has ex- joy mocktails. Friday at- perienced at one point in ternoon, students time. It is a time when all watched the drama of the new students of a group's "Healthy Loving college get together in Program" and questions order 10 make new about sex in the ninety's friends and have fun be- were raised. Afterwards fore the routine of going were the ASE course- to classes begins. field games. That eve- This year members at ning was the colloquium the college staff spent a address by Suzan Shown great deal of time and Harjo, a nalive Arneri- effort to make sure that can. Saturday night was orientation would be Casino Night at Gill Gym. packed with fun and ex- It was a big success. citement. Over the four By Sunday, just about days of orientation, the everything that could be activities never ceased. done had been done. It A typical day consisted was a day to recover for of breakfast, orientation classes beginning Men- group meetings, lunch, day morning. games, dinner, more en- -Melissa love .. three .. Iet's go! This group has great spir- try skiing new meaning on it for the ASE games. these skis built for ten. Llte
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