Page 19 - YB1992
P. 19
Spirit reaches new heights wllh The Green Terror football play· ere huddle to give words 01 en- Robin Adams Brenton, class of 1986, was chosen as the Young Alumnus of Adding to the festivities was the presentation of the 1991 Homecoming Court. Dr. Chambers also awarded Al- pha Nu Omega the James Brant Me- morial Cup. This award is given to a fraternity or sorority for excellence during the previous year. Once again, Homecoming was a time for fondly remembering college days of the past. Old friends and new were able to create memories for the future. - Melissa Love Pictured to the right are this chael,ShannaBurdlck,and Nick year's Homecoming court. From spelter, Below Is Western Mar- left to right are Kathy Savage, yland's mascot, the Green 'rer- Jason Rippon, Jen Milstein, Billy ror himself. Michaelsen, uee Welder, Tim Mi- Campus Life 15
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