Page 123 - YB1992
P. 123
LifE ;.\fIER 'JVN\C Senior to come Mitchell Planning. for the Di- plans Kim Lisa Freel, years with rector of Reunion It's May 24th, Commence- probably begin receiving ret- students from each class have men! is over, your days here lers from at least one of them been involved in the Alumni at WMC are done, and you regarding WMC happenings Association, making plans for wonder: What next? For many Donna Selman has the lmoor- the years after graduation graduating seniors, leaving tant title of Alumni Affairs OJ- They will be the ones organ- Western Maryland College rector. Every five years or so izing and planning all of the doesn't mean leaving for good after your graduation year, class reunions and homecom- That's what the Alumni Asao- you'll most likely hear from Oi- ings in the years to come. Ac- ctatton is here for: to keep you rector of Reunion Planning Lisa cording to Cathy Fritz, a soph- (and your rncnevl) in touch with Freel. And Dick Seaman is in omore and a member of the WMC. charge of it all: as Vice Pres- Alumni Association, "It's a Few current students prob- ident of Institutional Advance- great way 10 meet both stu- ably recognize the names ment, he has control over both dents and alumni. By being a Donna Selman, Lisa Freel, or the Alumni Association and the part of this group, I'll never re- Dick Seaman, but within a few Development Department. ally have to leave Western years after graduating from Actually, since freshman Maryland." Western Maryland, you'll year here at WMC, several Organizations 117
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