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From Scotland. January Fun Something that everyone looks forward were so many planned activities, it was to is the semester break of January. Most hard to see and do it all. Before leaving of us are just happy to have made it for their destinations, students learned a through the semester and are ready for little about the people and the culture of Christmas. But after the Christmas and the countries they visited. Another option New Years excitements dies down, come for January Term is an internship. One the January doldrums. WMC's answer to of the best ways to learn about a partic- the winter blahs is Jan Term! ular field is to have hands on experience. Everyone is required to take at least You can live on or off campus while doing one January Term. Jan. Term can consist the internship, but there are usually cer- of a number of different things such as tain requirements. These include the two-credit elective courses, cultural trips, number of hours you work, keeping a per- or internships. Some of the fun courses sonal log, and perhaps writing a brief pa- offered this year were The History of per about the experience. Baseball and the Psychic Reality of the January Term is usually so much fun Fairy Tale. Trips offered included a ski- because it is generally a non-stressful time ing trip, Italy: Behind the Lens, where to enjoy college life. In fact, many stu- students photographed their experiences dents keep coming back for more, taking and presented their work, and an Eng- three or four Jan Terms rather than just land/Scotland adventure, where there one! It's a great way to learn! Who is behind the lens in Italy? In front of the lens at this time were Kathy Savage. Kelly Freeman, Ric Nepomuceno. and Chip Miller. 54 Academics
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