Page 60 - YB1991
P. 60
Sig Ep brother, David wetherson, helps build shclves for theIibra-y m a Iratcrnity Fundraiscr New Addition For over a year, we've watched it grow. allow the number of volumes to increase What started as a hole in the ground has from 158,000 to 300,000 within the next become a beautiful architectural master- 20 years. piece that we are proud to have grace our Besides the size increase of the library's campus. collection, many special touches were add- The new Hoover Library can now supply ed to the library for convenience. These more students with a greater amount of include a microcomputer lab, a lounge and information than ever before. The reno- snack area, group study rooms, and an im- vation and expansion of the library cost proved audio-visual center. The new Hoov- $10 million dollars - $8 million for con- er Library is certain to improve the quality of education for us and future students of structicn of the new Hoover Library be- gan with blucprints like these ... Academics
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