Page 54 - YB1991
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Cam pus Culture If you want to be exposed to a bit of the community displayed their talents. culture, it's easy to do at WMC. From lit- Performances were frequent, as well. erary art and studio art to dramatic art and Alumni Hall had several planned plays each music, art can be found in all forms on semester, in addition to the annual musical campus. (Godspell. this year) and student directed Books Sandwiched In, a monthly pro- plays. With the large number of musicians gram, reviewed books and plays over bag and musical groups on the hill, private re- lunches. Poetry readings and lectures on citals and concerts were often held in Lev- topics of interest were frequent occasions. ine Recital Hall, Little Baker, and Baker Visiting professors often spoke to groups of Memorial Chapel. Not all of the musical students, as well. A number of gallery shows performances were WMC talent, however. were open to the public in WMC's Gallery A number of semi-professional groups vis- One. Professors, students and members of ited the campus, as well. The Communlcanon Club sponsored several speak- erslhroughoutlheycar 50 Academics
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