Page 52 - YB1991
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30Something Name: Mike Marceau lege students. The non-uads who have Age: 41 (Going on 21) been on campus for a few semesters have Area of Study: Major English, Minor: been more than willing to offer sugges- Secondary Education tions and advice to us "new kids" at school. Status: Junior - Transfer from Mont- That helps us to feel like we are part of gomery College, Takoma Park, MD the college, and I really appreciate their Hobbies: Playing music; reading help. I hope I am able to pass on their kindness and encouragement to some of The first thing that attracted me to the non-trads in future years Western Maryland College was the small size of the school. I'm the type of person Mike is one of 43 non-traditional stu- who is more comfortable in small groups, dents who attend classes here at W.M.C. and W.M.C. provides this type of setting. The lO-member Non-Traditional Stu- When I visited the campus in April, I was dent Organization (NSO) is described by impressed with the intimate feeling I saw President Bonnie Grady as "a support among the students, faculty, and staff. group of non-traditional students" that Everyone seemed to know almost every- provides them with service programs and one else at the school! I fell as if I would attempts to raise the student body's be very comfortable in this sening, and awareness of non-trads. Although non- so far I have been. traditional students have many extra de- Another factor that impressed me was mands, such as balancing their time be- the inclusion of the non-traditional stu- tween school and family, they "are not dents as pari of the college community. asking to be treated any differently from Not only did I feel welcome in the class- any other students," and want to be main- room, but the "non- trads" have their own streamed in with the regular students, says student organization. In this Grady. To raise non-traditional student in contact with each other of the enrollment, the NSO held several fun- classroom as well. It's nice to have a sup- draisers this year for their scholarship fund port group like this, since our concerns and produced a promotional video for po- may be different than those of other col- rundraiscr at rhc acnvi- tics fair in September 48 .... Academics
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