Page 22 - YB1991
P. 22
Bunkbeds and lofts are popular in the dorm rooms. The only probJem isde ciding who will sleep on the lop bank! Shut Eye hen students at West- lounge. And, of course, sleeping ern Maryland College in class is still an alternative to W aren't studying, par- those who refuse to give up any tying, or eating, you can usually other activities for a little shut find them under the covers sound 'Y' asleep! For a few students, sleeping is Sleeping is definitely an art at not so easy. To some it is an ac college. All previous sleeping quhed skill. Students with room habits are thrown out the win- mates often have the most com- dow freshman year, Students plaints. It is very hard to get a learn to catch a quick power nap good night's sleep when your whenever possible and they also roommate talks or walks in her learn to sleep through anything. sleep. And in such small quar Loud music, the cleaning people lers, every little move your on Saturday mornings noth- roommate makes or every deep ing disturbs a sleeping student breath he takes can sound in- WMC students can also sleep credibly loud just about anywhere. The floor However, WMC students learn is a popular weekend "bed" for to adapt and even learn that people who just can't seem to there are more important and fun find their way home. When walk- things to do with time than spend ing through Decker Center, don't it sleeping! That's what breaks be surprised to see a couple peo- are for! ple curled up on the sofas in the Tracy Baynard crashes after a long day. 18~ Life
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