Page 37 - YB1985
P. 37
Grouping Together Western Maryland College there seemed to bea group or two graphed, their importance to our seemed to be the place for groups. for nearly everyone. college community should not be Groups gathered together to Some campus groups deserve overlooked and they are men. watch athletic activities, drama thanks and recognition for per- tioned without formal photo. performances, pub performers, or forming a service for the college graphs. just to watch a favorite television community, such as CONSTRAST Whether formally or informally, show. Other groups shared a com- literary magazine, The PHOENIX these people found one another mon interest, a common goal - newspaper and CROSSROADS to share a personal experience, a groups such as honor societies, Yearbook. like, or a common interest. They bands, and majors clubs. No mat- Although all of these groups were all Grouping Together! ter what drew people together, were not available to be photo- Groups SS
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