Page 27 - YB1983
P. 27
DONNA TODD As I glance back over the past four years, one thought that comes to mind is how much I've grown as a result of my experiences at WMC. Friends and professors have contributed so much to this growth, and I'll carry their memories with me throughout my life There is one bit of advice that I would like to share with those who pass through Western Maryland College: "If I had my life to live over, I'd dare to make more mistakes next time. I'd relax. I would limber up. I would be sillier than I had been this trip. I would take fewer things seriously. I would take more chances. I would climb more mountains and swim more rivers. I would eat more ice cream and less beans. I would per- haps have more actual troubles, but I would have fewer imaginary ones. " Nadine Stair 85 Years Young ROB COLLISON There's so much to remember about Western Mary- land College, and so much of it has influenced my outlook on life. My experiences here have provided me with growth and a fulfillment that I never imag- ined possible. It has allowed me to explore new hori- zons, meet new people and build lasting friendships. From the many lectures, activities and readings over the past four years, I've come to realize that people matter most in life. All too often we become so involved with OUT work or our "goals" that we ignore, or merely take for grant- ed, the people who surround us in our daily lives - this is unfortunate. The things I've done are impor- tant, not for what they are, but for what I learned and gained from them - a lasting friendship or a new and different perspective. What I accomplished and experienced here is what it is because I shared it with others. Together with friends who are closer to me than anyone else. These are the people and times I'll always cherish. My only regret is not meeting one more person, or getting to know better the ones I'd mel. Together we entered WMC, and together we grew, but most importantly, together we will always remain in mind and spirit. 21
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