Page 153 - YB1980
P. 153
PEM CLUB The PEM Club was founded ra promote Physical Educarion and iTSrelated fields on campus and to e-eccoce rrcjors and orher oreresred snoeors TOperrinenT Information and recent nerds in beolrh, physicol educa reo. and recreoron. All physical eocconco majors are elfgible for member!.hip bUTclub rreen-os and many ocnvnes ore open TO anyone who is rueresred. Marl, McCulOn, N,cili Dr",yer, Co",,,, 51"""1",, Su", Arrmrrong, Doug fI",nner, [)e.cky Ccwlly. Moureeo Noonan rrrM Pi Gamma Mu ISThe ronoro honor seer etv for social science sruderus and faculry The purpose of The socerv is TOimprove scholarship in The social sciences, TOinspire social service TOhumaniTY, and ro engender sympaThy Towards ott-ers wiTh drfferenr cooors. Membership ISopen TOjuniors and seniors In The upper 35% of Their doss who have a 0 overage In Thesocial sciences whh or eost 20 hours
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