Page 152 - YB1980
P. 152
5er11Or'~I€'dlorhlSp'esli<;lousSOCi ery ore, Mary Ellen nejo-co, Alan Dlaker, Dole Dowman, rberesc lliophy,CharlesDer, Karen Duboch, JohrlForemo<1,ChorlesGoroon, Karh>e Horbough,SlbonHevener,C01hylew IS, David McW, Do \tid W Heriod Mary Ellen Dwell, -" Gower, Dr JornesUghrr1el',Ml>sPouiaOlfinger andDrf\ay'i(ev~ Phi Dero Kappa rhe mosr prestigious honor sccerv in the Unired Stares, selected 'c/estern Md College as one of only three academic insnrcnons notonwce TO receive a choner esroblishing a PHI chopter on campus lost spring BK sceccr ceremony on May 1, 1980. AfTer rhe pre- BETA The charter was presented ro Thecollege by Dr Ccrreme S,Sims,vice-president of the sooerv. in a seororico, rwenry-rhree 'c/esern Col- is to recognize and KAPPA lege seniors became the choprer's firs! The encourage and culrurol in reresr Membership a chaprer based on high scholarship, liberal culrure, and good chcrccrer.
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