Page 151 - YB1980
P. 151
O~E Omicron Detro EpSilon is an honor sooerv whose objectives ore TOrecognize oUTsTanding scholastic achievement in economics and TO eSTablishcloser Tiesbetween student and facul- rv. [\eing into ODE means a lOTTO economics nor only becouse of The honor rhor iT eoroas bUTalso because members of ODE have gone on TOhove very meonino- ful and rewording careers, O~K is a Norionol Leader- Morylond Or- in 196.3.Membership in This Circleisone of The higheSThonors otroooble for o STudent,The purpose of rhe group isnot only TOhonor leadership, bUT0150TO encourage The exercse of it on rhe college compus. Members of rhe cirde are sruoeors of or leosrjunior srond- ing who have cemonsrrored leadership obiliry in various phases of campus life ond who STand in The upper :35% of Their doss M~
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