Page 82 - YB1969
P. 82
Football The 1968 Terrors started off their season with a con- vincing 33-6 defeat of Susquehanna, Their momentum kept building through victories over PMC, Lycoming, Shepherd, and Hampden-Sydney; and talk of an unde- feated season spread over the Hill. These games saw the offense averaging more than 30 points a game as the defense held the opposition to an average of less than 12. Then a rash of injuries riddled the squad as Randolph- Macon shattered hopes for a clean sweep by defeating the Terrors 41-14. The team continued its dedicated play through a tough late season schedule, but the grid- ders were unable to regain their early season form. Earl Dietrich and Vic McTeer earned Little-All American honorable mention while leading the hard-nosed defense. Veteran halfback Jerry Borga lead the team in scoring and rushing, but was then sidelined by a shoulder injury that cut three games out of his season. Quarterback Bruce Bozman showed some deft faking and passing while head- ing a deliberate and impressive offensive machine. Top: Tom Pecora and Bill Fanning open up a hole for Barry Lambert. Upper Right: Hard-running Festa takes a hand-off. Far Right: Bozman makes the first down to set up a TD. Right: Tough John Seaman blasts through the Hopkin's line. 78
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