Page 16 - YB1969
P. 16
In the clamor of soul bands easing us out of our WMC woes and typewriters clattering 'til 3 a.m. meeting due dates for papers, we usual- Iy overlook the individuals and groups who are actually achieving change at WMC. This year several committees combining viewpoints of faculty, administration, and students have bridged to some extent the huge comrnunica- tions gap that has so frequently brought stu- dent ideas, often shared by the people in power, to a confused halt. Faculty committees such as the Administrative Advisory Committee have the influence to produce innovations such as PassĀ· Fail grading and the January term, which were conceived in informal bull sessions in the past years. The powerful Advisory Committee on Long Range College Policy airs, in an atmosphere of mutual respect, the problems and solutions of areas as varied as the campus community atti- tude toward Negroes and on-campus communi- cations.
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