Page 112 - YB1969
P. 112
Honor Court First Row: Carol Armacost, Judy Harper, Jim Rimmer, Sue Stamper, Keith Thacker, Cindy DeWitt, Keith Muller. Second Row: Frank Bowe, Charlie Moore, Dave Denham. Despite the humorous picture of the Honor Court mem- bers, all is not going smoothly with the Honor System. The major problem is simply that the students refuse to actively support the spirit of the system even though they half-heartedly profess to stand behind it. Some serious decisions have to be made about our honor system but Student Life Council not until the student body assumes more mature respon- sibility and conviction. First Row: Sue Hanna, Jerry Hopple, Lynn Coleman, Dean Eliza- beth Laidlaw. Second Row: Miss Esther Smith, Harry Collins, Dick Morgan, Dr. Earl Griswold, Vince Festa, Dr. Richard Clower, Dr. William Ridington.
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