Page 108 - YB1969
P. 108
s. G. A. President Harry Collins The Student Government Association, traditionally the student government felt that it could objectively inspect campus whipping-boy, took all anticipated abuse from our present subject matter. disgruntled students while effecting several worthwhile, In connection with the National Student Association, though not monumental improvements. A ten dollar Stu. the S.G.A. keeps informed of activities on other cam. dent Activities fee brought campus entertainment. Fi. puses, offers a special rate on life insurance, and assists nanced through this charge were Mitch Ryder's Home. in employment placement through a computerized job coming concert, a free mixer and open party in the fall, bank. The S.G.A. has also attempted to remedy the ever. the infamous Friday afternoon GIGIF's and the handy present problem of poor communication on campus by desk- pad calendar of events, the BLOT. publishing a weekly newsletter. Recommendations for cafeteria improvement and open Harry Collins was able not only to "keep the constit- houses in the men's dorms were referred to the Student uents happy," but to greatly improve relations with the Life Council because the S.GA was unable to authorize administrative powers on campus. The achievement was these changes. A concern for improving the College cur. much more valuable than the numerous administrative riculum was shown as the S.GA distributed course take-overs and riots that other campuses are choosing evaluation sheets. Relying on student co-operation, the to obtain their demands. Cathy McCullough, Recording Secretary; Judy Parry, Corre- sponding Secretary; Harry Col- Iins, President; Lynn Coleman, Vice-President: Dave Weber, Treasurer 104
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