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"Western Maryland! Hail All Hail!" Set in the green and rolling hills of progressive, drives. The latest acquisition to our steadily growing fertile Carroll County, a small co-educational, liberal school was several acres of land behind the golf arts, Methodist affiliated institution abounds with course, conveniently bisected by a brand-new, modern small, green, liberally-affiliated people. Thirty min- highway. utes from downtown Baltimore, two hours from Wash- Western Maryland College is noted for its friendly ington, five hours from New York City, and one environment. Sliding down to the Grille, many people hundred ancl ten hours from San Francisco, the col. will give you the big WMC "Hi!" The Grille itself is lege is situated in the center of the culture belt. the epitome of Western Maryland's friendliness. Here The student body, as well as the faculty, adminis- students gather for light refreshment and dark conver- tration and staff, is composed of a wide and varied sation. "With the dancing area which has been pro- group of individuals. There is an unusual opportuni- vided in the Grille, this is easily the most popular ity presented to live and relate with men (and women) center of student activity." Above the Grille is located of different philosophies and attitudes. The "Hump," the student lounge. Spacious and restful, with a view as it is affectionately called by the students, is a melt- to the mountains, the room was planned to give you a ing pot, blending people, jackets, and colors. In order quiet room for reading, relaxing, and entertaining to make the students feel as if they belong, ID cards visitors." are issued in their freshman year. The card identifies Last, and most certainly least, Western Maryland you as a student of Western Maryland College and College establishes and maintains an "optimum cli- should be carried at all times, in case you ever have mate of leaming.?' The challenge of academic excel- to prove it. lence is presented to the student through stimulating The faculty members are selected from a wide lectures, intellectual conversation, and an examina- group of Western Maryland graduates. In addition tion schedule arranged with you in mind. Emphasis to their usual lecture duties, they are assigned as is not on the "grade" here, but rather on individual faculty advisers who assist their advisees and main- and personal mental growth. tain a special interest in their intellectual growth. An appropriate closing would be one of the official Faculty members also playa vital role in student colleee yells, which strikes a warm note to a Western organizations and activities.' Marvlander and reminds him of all the swell times Physical facilities at Western Maryland College, in he h·ad up here. addition to the usual buildings, also include a beau- W·W·W·W tiful brand new power plant with multi-colored pipes; M·M·M·M spacious and convenient parking lots; a lovely Vic- torian auditorium (one of the oldest in the state); C·C·C·C ample areas for quiet study: a limpid, spring-fed W.M.C. pond; safe, well-cared for walks; and smooth shady Team, Team, Team! 1 1966.67Student Handbook,p.8. 20p_ cu.; p.43. 3/bid. ~ Op. Cit., p. 5
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