Page 50 - YB1967
P. 50
First Raw; Stout, Evler, Kasemeyer, Beach, Sybert, Markovich, Benson, Ass!. Trainer Jun. Fifth Row: Mullen, Bozman, McGaughlin, Powell, Wi?,da, Heritage. Second Row: Coach Jones, Boyes, Anthony, Dietrich, T. Morgan, Johnson, Diggs, Lieb. Sixlh Row: Elliot, Mvera, Manhls, Borga, Festa, Hart, Schule, Shrieves, Rudacille. Third Row: Coach Case, Wood, Janczewski, Wynkoop, Cline, RusselL Seventh Row: Kintzing Ellenberger, Huseman, Clark, R. Morgan, Goldblatt, Yingling, Keamer, (Mgr.), Klinger, Pecora, Welsh, Matthews, Brown, Virgil, Seaman, I\Iarkey, Farrow, Coach Shipley, Coach Hitchcock. Faurth Row: Coach Smith (Mgr.) Zepp, Berry, Ncaton, Faning, Chenoweth, King, McTeer, Samselle, Porter, As is tradition with Western Maryland College foot- John Heritage became the first player at W.M.C. to ball, the annual awards banquet was held at the con- ever win both the Offensive and Defensive Lineman of clusion of the season. By the vote of his fellow players, the Year Awards. Due to their fine performances and Co-captain Jay Sybert was elected the most valuable outstanding leadership, Don Stout and John Heritage player on the squad. were chosen as co-captains for next year. It only takes Jour big men to stop little Vinnie Festa!
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