Page 129 - YB1967
P. 129
Dear Bruce Catton, Inspired by your interest in Civil War history, we feel that it is important that you be informed of a significant series of events having a direct bearing on the outcome of that internal strife. In the turmoil of the Fall of 1%6, word was out that the valiant Delt Regiment WAS looking for new recruits. Taking up the call to arms came twenty-five spirited souls who marched into camp. joining the battle weary veterans. TIley took up their positions, reinforcing the stalwart Bachelor line. A dress parade through the streets of Westminster re- sulted in the occupation of a nearly deserted theater. Look- outs were posted to guard against assassins. The recruits later received their first taste of the horrors of war on an evening thereafter known as Hell Night. Next on their battle plan was a badly needed refurbish- ing of their stronghold with paint, paneling and plush carpeting. A new mascot further bolstered their esprit de corps. Even in the fever pitch of battle, the leprechaun Collegiale Kicks legions kept the reserves inf ormed of their progress. The elfin regiment graphically demonstrated their prowess in a minor skirmish on Hoffa Bnule Field as they stampeded an inferior but unaccountably overconfident force. Wllile less valorous fighting forces were languishing in winter quarters, the tempestuous thirty were making his- tory in the one niaht battle of Gettysburg and the immortal Pixie's Charge. The Dells were active on another front, too, sending S.O.S. fruitcake to soldiers in Vietnam. For outstanding valor in the face of continual harass- ment, Pixie Lin Lin Chen received R purple heart. But they owed their success not only to individual courage but to the able leadership and unswerving devotion of their offi- cers; General Stonewall Lentz, Brigadier General Pursue 'em Ayres, Colonel Type-it-up Tibbetts, and Major Balance- on-hand Eyler (a skilled acrobat). This, Mr. Catton, is the true saga of the intrepid thirty. And all according to Hoyle. Very Truly Yours, Delta Sigma Kappa \ "Luv i'"
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