Page 87 - YB1964
P. 87
Intramural Sports This year's intramurals started out with flying elbows, knees, feet, bodies, and occasionally a football, as the Bachelor eight broke a long-standing domination of the championship by the Preachers and went on to win the title. Paced by Jim "Country" Shaw and George "Schvog" Fulton at ends, and the strong throwing arm of Sam Leish- ure, the Blue and White rolled over most of the competi- tion. The Gamma Betes, led by quarterback Ron Hibbard and end Bruce "The Knee" Falkner, placed second in the stand- ings for the cup. The Preachers, with Bruce "Fetch" Read and "Eirch" Wagner, held down the third spot in what was Bowling obviously a rebuilding season. Ed Welch and his Black and Whites placed fourth for the cup behind a strong Freshman team, starring "Cokie" Sothron and Charlie Seabron. Again when it came to round ball, it was a greatly su- A new way for WMC's men and women to waste their perior Bachelor team that took the cookies. Led by Bob time was added to the intramural program this year- Hollywood, "Cat" (temper, temper) Reger, Jerry Morse, bowling! Everly Friday the school's best (and worst) ball- chuckers hit Westminster Lanes to try their fortunes on the and several other boys of Varsity calibre, they raced by ten pins. The tempo of the league was set when the Phi everyone in the league. Gamma Beta Chi placed second for the cup, due to the performance of Bruce Falkner, Long Alph team, led by Marilyn ("WOW!") Van Scoter, beat the Preachers. John Law, and Slammin' Ralph Smith. Bruce Read, Frank Kidd, and Wilford (No, Will) Wrightson clinched the third Week after week our stout seekers of leisurely indoor spot for Delta Pi Alpha; and Ed Welch poured in many athletic excellence rolled that big black ball at those ten for the Black and Whites. exasperating pins, suavely sipping cokes, enj oying cigarettes, and (covertly) "watching the scenery." After it was all The main attraction of the wrestling intramurals was the Heavyweight bracket, where Hans Himler, Frank Kidd, and over, the boys proved their ability to cope with distraction Stan "Chipmunk" Sunderland shook the gym with many a and take the top spots in the league. The Bachelors hit the grunt an d groan. Th e Chi Ipmun k "won, " d f e ea mg "D' t " y jackpot with a first place, followed by an outstanding Fresh- ir ti man team. Frank by a fall. Delta Pi Alpha placed first, the Freshmen All in all: the gleeful reaction of everyone concerned was second. -We Want More!
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