Page 92 - YB1964
P. 92
Meanwhile a speaking team was set up to. handle the pecuniary side of the problem, Students addressed churches and service clubs in the Hanover, BaltiĀ· more, and WashingtQn areas to. tell of the project's unique challenge and to. seek the necessary funds. The members of the team nervously donned their best clothes and whetted their personal enthusiasm to. the high pitch necessary to. impress the RQtarians, Lions, and Kiwanians of the significance of the project. They usually returned horne having received reward of a good steak dinner as well as the essential pledges of money and books, Dr. Criswold was always at hand with ideas, encouragement, and concrete help. He procured transportation for the "library" to. the Philippines, where an annex to. a municipal building, built and furnished by the U. S. Navy, had been designated for the books by the town of San Narciso. in Zambales Province. Seven SOS workers were rewarded fQr their hours of effort by being chosen to. go. to. the Philippines-a-for more hours of hard work. The arrival of the crew was reason enough for huge celebrations by the people of the village. The students were greeted with banners, banquets, and town string bands and were treated like State Department emissaries by the local officials,
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