Page 179 - YB1963
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\VOMEN'S ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. First -rOlV, left /0 right: v. Alexander (President), R. Hidey, :M. L. Cas- tronova, H. \Vright. Second row: A. Weller, J. Holloway, S. Roeder, 1\.1. A. Shriver. 1"/,;ril row: 1'. Bobbett, S. Fischer, S. DeHan. Women's Athletic Association Captains Coeds' Sports Under the sponsorship of Miss Todd and intramural program. The program includes Miss Parker, the Women's Athletic Association hockey, basketball, badminton, volleyball, had a very active year. ln addition to monthly tennis, hiking, and archery. All awards are meetings, they held two award parties. At this given on a point basis according to achieve- time awards were presented, and each girl was ment and participation in each of the sports. recognized for her athletic efforts. There were The intramural program provides an oppor- also games and refreshments, which added to tunity for socializing as well as for physical the enjoyment. They sponsored a basketball activity. To supplement this intramural pro- clinic to which all Wl\'IC women were invited. gram, honorary teams are chosen for hockey and basketball. Contests with nearby colleges The \VAA makes it possible for the women lend added interest to a varied sports program students of Wl\'IC to participate in an active for WMC coeds. 168
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