Page 178 - YB1963
P. 178
Lettermen Form Club The Lettermen's Club was formed in the towards improving athletics on 'the Hill: We waning d.1YS of the 1961-62 school year by a hope to unite the faculty and athletes into an number of the varsity athletes then on the atmosphere of mutual cooperation and under- campus. Since then it has grown to be one of standing, to increase attitudes which will en- the largest clubs on "the Hill." Dick Yobst, the courage more participation in both inter- club's president, briefly explains the organiza- scholastic and intramural programs and to tion and its pmposes: draw the alumni closer to the college through more alumni activities. "This is a highly selective organization. K1Ch member must carry a 'C' average, he must "We feel it's time to eliminate the old adage have earned a letter in one of the recognized which implies that inte1!igcnce and athletics sports of wvo and he must be approved by a don't go together. College is an institution ill two-thirds majority vote of the Club. which both education and athletics are impor- tant for the proper well rounded education for "Our purposes are of a constructive nature which we are striving." 167
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