Page 172 - YB1963
P. 172
Riflemen Start Fast with Young Squad The riflemen at western Maryland College Han, composed the team's senior membership. have developed what is probably the world's Jerry Barach, Matt Creamer, Hans Htmler, most exacting sport into a nne science. Con- and Andy Harmantas have provided fine tinuing 011 their winning ways the squad piled depth to a squad that is still young and de- up an impressive string of wins early in the veloping. Gaining confidence and experience season. Ably coached by Sgt. Young and led with every match the squad aimed for an unde- by Captain Ron Crontse the team has reg- feated record and national prominence in the istered wins over such perennially tough op- 2nd Army Intercollegiate Matches. The Tenor ponents as Sycracuse, Gettysburg, and Lafay- Riflemen strive to be a team of which the ette. Consistently nne performances have been campus can be truly proud turned in by Dave Bowen, who along with Coach Young and Senior Dave Bowen Captain Hon Cronise 161
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