Page 170 - YB1963
P. 170 row, left. 10 right: P. \~Ioo.dcn, C. Dotson, B. Churnbcrs, L Z~ebedies, \V. Whitmore (co-captain), J. Wende- roth (co-captain), L. Alperstcin, II. Mooney. Second row: j , Miller (manage,.), B. Robertson, N. [-loffman, S J()yner, D. Schmidt, J. Hllnllcm, C. Gray, M. Schlee, 11.Creltz,.1 Hook, D. Harmon (coach). Roundballers Rebound Successive losses to Drexel, Franklin & Marshall, and Loyola, and a gruelling 108 minute battle with Mt. Saint Mary's, which ended at a 0-0 deadlock, was the story of western Maryland for the first foul' games. Beginning on October 26th with a decisive 5-1 victory over Wuslungton College, however, things began to look up, and the ruundballers romped en to beat Lycoming, Callaudet, Catholic University, Johns Hopkins, and to tie the University of Delaware. A great deal of credit for the sudden shift to the win column cnn he attributed directly to an excellent bit of coaching strategy by an excellent coach, Denny Harmon. Midway through the season, Coach Harmon made a drastic personnel shift designed to balance the defense and offense and to salvage a winning season. The results ure plainly seen. Joe wenderoth and Laszlo Zsebedtcs copped post-season honors as they placed on the All- Mason-Dixon team; Scott Joyner and Wayne Whitmore received Honorable Mentions. 1n addition to Conference honors, the squad voted Whitmore as Best Defensive Back and Zsebedics as Best Lineman. Co-cuptnlns Joe Wendcroth and \Vaync \Vhitmore 159
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