Page 146 - YB1963
P. 146
... and hours spent in totaling their worth. ALOHA BUSINESS STAFF Who's afraid of Mrs. Wolf? Business Manager .. David Selikowitz Secretaries _ ___Barbara Earhart Assistant Business Manager Della Boyd Joan Meyer Advertising Ma/Jagers __ .~ Carolyn \Nebster Eirumcial: Assistants Janet Walker Eric Buckner Jerry Clark Advertising Committee Knight Bowles, Distribution and CirClllatiolt_.Anne Benjamin, Bert Penn, Hay wockley Helen Dorsey, Dagmar [ceres, Bill Mac- Donald, Bonnie Mctflelfand, Boyd Patron Manager .Marty Wirt Myers, Trish Webb Patron Committee __ .. Trinka McGibbeny SlIbscriptions . _Barbara Frick, Becky Wright Bob Crace, Jerry Miller 137
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