Page 141 - YB1963
P. 141
TIlE HONon COUllT. First row, left 10 right: Dean H. Howery, W. lIlncDonnld, P. Ord, Dean W. David, Mr. O. Spangler, D. Jocre~. Second row: G. Gebelein, D. Humphrey. D. Briggs, E. Armiger, !I'!. Van Dyke, B. Laurence, R. Terry, J. Smith, B. Lazarus, J. Shanholtz, E. wnus, J. Buroch . . . . inspired by the zest of leadership ... This is the second year western Maryland The four professors, however, act only in an College has been working under an honor advisory capacity; they have no vote. system. This acndem!c ideal has taken its place The court tries all infractions concerned as an integral part of campus life and has with academic honor. Anyone who violates the proved to be an effective means of elevating code is all his honor to report the misdemeanor the school's scholastic standing. to the court within twenty-four hours. Fair- With the foresight and backing of the Stu- ness in judgment and secrecy of trial pro- dent Government Association, an appointed ceedings arc the main objectives of the group. committee investigated various aspects of an The court elects its own officers. This year's honor code and drew up a working system president is William MacDonald and the re- The group presented their Ideas to the student corder is Priscilla Ord. These two people are body and faculty for approval. After the in- present at every trial. evitable process of incorporating suggested Western Maryland is proud of its efficient changes and needed clartfications, the system and effective honor system. In only two years, it has gained a deep-rooted respect and value went into effect. Members of the honor court are chosen from on the college campus. letters of application submitted by the stu- dents. As stipulated in the codified system, six seniors, six juniors and four sophomores com- prise the court. Faculty members are Dean Helen G. Howery, Dean William David, Dr. Rembrandt Summers and Mr. Oliver Spangler.
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