Page 149 - YB1963
P. 149
COLLEGE PLAYERS. Left to rig/II: D. Pettigrew, D. Beck, C. Webster, K. Wilson, T. Pokorny, S. Bayly, T. Webb, D, Drobis, M. Bcndcrrneyer, Miss E. Smith (Advisor), N. Sheeley, D. [ceres. Interpretation strengthens rapport INTEHNATIONAL RELATIONS CLUB. Left to nght.: B. Greene, 13.Nolan, P. Zacharias, R. Hibbard, K. Hooves, O. Brown, L. Swcrsky, J. Seddon, S. Green, \V. Carter, C. Hoecker, L. Alpcr,',"_;'_' __ ....... Knock, knock . Who's there? 140
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