Page 146 - YB1962
P. 146
LEADAINE l-iACKETT "Hey Troops, let's go to the Pit" One of the Troops . Met Munday, going steady Tuesday, pinned weclnesduy, engilgcd Thursday f\ English Education bridge major with minors in Procrastination 211 and Pit 413 Pride 01 Dr Butler's department Do Bob and I louk alike? Quiet in the halls. t.,'fARY HAHI3IN English PATHLCIA HAHH Still Tal PSyd1010gy PAUL CHANT .. People are able to recognize Paul frum nil directions Truly one of Philusuphy - neligion maintain his figure he practices the Chef Boy-Ar-Dee. BMlHY CHOSS Life is just a jcst A constant victim of the phnntom Famous fOl IIis love handles Sung Ie rder 101 the WOI ld Please give me wine, Pre-Dental women, and my Bachelor jacket Renowned ohomle glOUp It the DDT Has been known to study-once Sleeps in bush with Brother Martin [Ol-IN CHOVE Methodist tl110ugll mel through , . , Hende~vous at rhe cornrnur~itr ~)ond English PIe fhgllt {rom Bnlrlmore Web's indispensable ... "This IS itl" ... Converses in his sleep One of tbe three Johns Cet me up at 6:30 . A new love eaeh year. . "Think I should wenr my hat?" Homeo??? 142
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