Page 142 - YB1962
P. 142
MARIAN EDWAH])S Pink and grecn Sarah Seventh In love with a leatherneck "FO! EngHsl1 - Education ~l~'~v;I~~~l~'~k~:~~kel~~I[a ria n M i In ::~i~;I~ri(iaEloiSel~ lI~si,I::leli~)gra P~lt)~)??ister "Those wedding bells are away those roommates of mine," CABOL FOAH]) An original "Dew-Drop-In" dweller .. Body in Maryland, heart in New Jersey One of Daisy's little flowers Have needles, will knit Home Economics - Education Liked those cold New Hampshire lllghts .. Loves blue and white with a purple and white passion Farm lass with authentic moo. Man-mad. BETSEY FONTAINE Warm-hearted girl with a big smile Can sleep any time of day ., A real Southern belle Did Chopin compose at the piano? Onion Hall Sociology , But J like to eat . Loves twinkling eyes I speak Wide-eyed innocence. Fresh-air enthusiast. STANLEY EINHOHN Einy Pilots the coolest rods on campus.. Montana .. Weekends he heads into Baltimore. . Roomed with the Toe and Benedict Arnold Biology Drove get-away car for the Toe. . Found "gnlvid uteri" for Harwell Once known as Stan Clarke Studies £sqllire instead of dentistry. HEHBERT FALLIN, JR. One of the original Co-Pi's Used to major in bridge Now resides in J\'lathematics-Physics-Edueation "Fertile Valley" . Belongs to Prospective Fathers Club ... Wizard and the lizard ... Pool shark . Comments are highlight of fraternity meet- ings Took over business end of Gold Bug La find it bankrupt. WILLIAM FELCHEH "Do yOll think Sandy will mind?" ... Loves Hackett's whiskey sours .. "Herbie, can J call Ginny for a date?" Drink much? . Yea, McGill! History - English Education N~tl'~~!e' ~~~~t~U~~l~~~;l~ve ~e~ i;]~tea~~a\~~~ a~a~l~;_ ~;~ns 'tl~~)tO\~~:~fc\ing 138 __j
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