Page 144 - YB1962
P. 144
DIANE CAHDNEH "Cheese and Crackers" H.E.B. Chandler Crew. June, 1962 Leaves VlIgllll1 tl Idem u-k 111eve)y room Never-ending appetite Phy~ical Education - Education Another wild weekend at Charlottesville No letter today! NANCY CAHDNEH how to catch spatula in electric mixer . Keeps Four yenr Daisy plan "Hey, kiddo!" Home Economics - Education The "quiet" one Summer spent as . Repeated nursery school in '6 l . DONNA GHEWELL Freshman Frencb major who'd never had French Chandler Crew Bill won her heart after many tried. Minored in physics but Aunked it! French _Educntion . Substituted roommate's feet for ironing board. . Absent-minded Five foot dwarf engaged to six foot giant Off and on band member. CARY GILL Maypole Lost a little King to dental school. . Husstnn B,lSS "All right, one more and then I have La go hack and study" ... Plnns to go to Pre-Medical mecl school Interested in girb-one a week. Known to cut qunl lubs for basketball practice Taught Biology 302 in three nights!! FRED GOLDMAN Alphrc Studied between deals Strictly a swe,~ter man .. "Any- body want 1 bagel? Eats pretzels as if they're gomg out of style. Psychology A Detroit faa .. Has been known to blush Turned psycho sophomore year Roomed with 11 two ebb man Loves science courses. JEnny GOf~E [er "Perry COli" Likes Walt Disney movies ubout dogs. Finished college in three y(;;ars without an)' help from the French department. Physics - Muthemutlcs JOined the Navy to fly . Met an old flame in San Juan "Wahoo" A real "bachelor" . Smallwood resident with receding hairline. 140
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