Page 76 - YB1960
P. 76
JUNIOR As we came back to the Hill with the proud title of Juniors, we were startled by the exter- na! changes on the campus. The Chapel had indeed become the center of the campus. The \Vinslow Student Center was a pleasant change from Old Main, except that it seemed much farther away to our aging limbs. But in addition to the changes in the landscape, there seemed to be other changes in the air too. This was a year enriched by many "moments to remember." With mixed feelings, we sur- rendered the task of Freshman orientation to the Sophomores. Early in the year fraternity and sorority bids came out, and we realized how nice it was to be receiving new pledges rather than to be experiencing Hell \Veek our- selves. Homecoming and OUf pretty queen Firsl row, lefl II! right: K. Gill, D. Shankle, H. Ackermnu, A. \Vright, A. Pherigo, C. Powdl, N. Smith, J. Zajac, P. Stakelll, J. Alexander. Second row: C. Ring, R. House, C. Shankle, J. Lamb, C. Kammerer, ). Ernsberger, H. ~!evens, B. Hastings, B. Heflin. Thinl row: S. Fineman, J. Graff, P. Lakin, J. Jeffrey, D. Simmons, ]. Davis, B Sauer, C. Karl, C. Drake, D. Bell, C. Arvin. Fourlh row; T. Wiles, ]. Turner, B. Horst, N. Morris, L. Stone, G Marek, A. Arcnt, ]. Lawyer, D. Holland, S. Kajdi. Fifth roic: I. Stewart, L. Thompson, ]. Kerr, M. Stein, S Holloway, ~1. Bird, \OV. Moore, A. Stewart, ]. Holter. Sirt!. row: C. Bernstein, L. Brown, R. Leavey, D, Sullivan, B. S~:~~~:~s~~o~,"~'.~~~~~:,yr'B~~h~n~s~~s~,~'~,~. \~i;;:~,~',~:~~~~~\~e:,dR.S~~~':!:'C~!Gar~;l{~/OneSifer,]. Siehler,
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