Page 72 - YB1960
P. 72
BETTY SUE WARREN Biology Phi Alpha M 1I; Cheerleader 1, 2, 3, 4; Beta Beta Bela 1, 2, 3, 4 (Secretary 3); FAC. 2, 4 (Co-Chairman 4); Student Lite COII/l- cit 3, 4 (Secretary); Gold Bug 3, 4 (Editorial Staff); ALOHA 4 (Associate Editor); hmior Follies; lI'lay Court Duchess 1, 2; Homecoming Court 3; R.O.T.C. Sponsor 3; Trumpeter; Who's Who. "Sue" A frequent "fair lady" of many courts. Has been known to change her major yearly .. Proud member of the drum and BUGLE corps . Tea parties at midnight .. Voted W.M.C.'s No. 1 "procrastinator" ... Her first lOve-food! . Following graduation she may join the "pick and shovel" construction crew to get to Europe . Cave-dweller. ELEANOR TAYLOR WARTHEN Mathematics Delta Sigma Kappa (Treasurer 2); Le Cercle Francais 1, 2; Argo- nauts 2, 3, 4; luntor Follies. "Eleanor" The brain of the big ",5" Left mathematics for applied genetics. . First senior to graduate. Married on Wash- ington's birthday ... Could embroider in her sleep. Helped reorganize the Delt Constitution .. Remembers Atlantic City ~~IT:ret}/~~,;~man exam week. joined hubby via jet. JACK MITCHELL WATSON, JR. English Alpha Comma Tau; Lntrantural: Sports 4; l nnior Follies. 'Jay . One brow Transferred from M.J.C. ... Thinks Cnttbersburg IS heaven ... Sometimes called "little round Daddy" . One of the cnginal Friday Afternoon Club members . Mem- ber of J. C.'s fan club .. Roomed with an ape for two years An English major who reads Westerns voraciously.
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