Page 70 - YB1960
P. 70
PAUL THOJvlAS STRETTON Economics Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4. "Paul" ... eats more meals at Joyce's than in the dining hall One of Dr. Price's disciples Only guy who lost his license for speeding through campus Loyal Redskin in Colt land Loves Dr. Ciunta's extra readings Idolizes Elgin. JAMES DENISON THOMAS Sociology Delta Pi Alpha. (Chaplain 2); Canterbury Association 1, 2, 3, 4 (President 3); S.C.A. 2, 3, 4 (Cabinet 3); Class President 4; Le Cercte Francais 1, 2; I.RC. 1; Intramural Sports 2, 3; R.O.A. 3, 4; S.C.A.4 (Treasurer); ALOHA 4; Student Leadership Conierence 4. "Sammy" ... Member of the ball and chain club ... Loyal mem- ber of R.O.A .... "Quiet and refined" .. C. O. of the Senior Class .. Dr. Ciunta fan . "The South shall rise ugain=where's my flag?" ... Drove one roommate to Korea and spent his last year with "Ctbby" and "Gus-Gus." NANCY JANE THOHN English Iota Canuna Chi tBuetneee Manager 2, 3, Treasurer 3); CllOi/" 1; Womell's Clee Club 1, 2; lunior Follies; Intramural Sports 1; Beta Be/a Beta 1, 2. MIS J's gill Friday Come on Jess, let's decorate" J. C. C. all the way Occupational therapy in mind .. "Pounce!l!'". Frequent burner of the midnight oil . , . Definitely an outdoor girl "Open that window, wide!". Has been known to sneak upstairs
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