Page 31 - YB1960
P. 31
CLEVELAND WOHTHINGTON BATEiVIAN Economics Pi Alpha Alpha (Sergeant-at-arms 2, Treasurer 4); Argonal/ts 3, 4; Intramural Sports 2,3,4; Le Cercie Francais. "Pete" . "Little Samuelson" ... Do you, Mr. Demand, take this woman, Miss Supply? ... Dr Price's prodigy. . Terror of the seminar ... Makes sacrinces to god "Econ" before all tests. . R.O.T.C.'s Captain Ahab. Expected to have intelligent children . Passes for Lord Keynes ill England. [ESSIE THERESA BAZZECHIN Art Iota Gamma Clii (His/.urian 2, Correepondlng Secretcnj 3, Prest- dent 4); rs.c. 4 (Recording Secretary 4); Le Cercle Francais 1, 2; Contrast 2, 3 (Art Editor); l ntramural. Sports 1; F.A.C. 4; Argon(lllts 3, 4; Junior Follies. Future starving artist ... Handles a pen as well as <1 brush . Hobin egg hatcher. Hock collector Pounce!'! . "You mean the philosophy test is today'?". . Believes in the 4 year roommate plan Captain 01 the Pirnte Crew One-half of two hicks from the sticks "This year rill not decorating!!" llAHBARA BEAHD BEALL Art - Education Phi Alpha MlI; Neunuon Club l, 2, 3, 4; Pep Cteb 1; wo.uca's cu« Club 3; SEA. 3, 4; [nnlor Follies "Bobbt" ... "Beall". "\-Vhat time is it?'. "I'm cold" . a big sparkle third finger left hand "Brownie" . stpper Sexy eyes.. Always late . "Be subtle" smoker Lives with someone exciting to watch pastime is writing on walls . Cave-dweller.
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